Delegate Effectively: A Manager’s Mini Guide

Managing successfully means learning the art of effective delegation. It requires a shift in thinking from “I’d rather do it myself” to “I know someone who’d be good at this.” In the process, you’ll support talent development within your team. Additionally, your collective capacity and trust in each other’s skills will increase work satisfaction and create a can-do reputation. This mini guide offers tips for how to delegate effectively.

Delegate Effectively By Having Trust

Delegating means letting go and trusting in others to complete a task successfully. To do so:

  • Determine the best person to complete the task at hand by asking yourself:
    • Who shows motivation and interest?
    • Which person has the skills and attitude to do the work?
    • Are there parts of the job that may be overly challenging for that individual?
  • Reflect on your ability to:
    • Support staff growth and development in a mentoring capacity.
    • Steer clear of micromanaging behaviors.
    • Trust that you have prepared your employees to fulfill special assignments.

Describe the Work

Prepare for success by meeting about the work. In-person or virtual meetings can prove more beneficial in these scenarios, opposed to emailing instructions.

  • Dialogue about the job assignment to discover your staff person’s interest.
    • Review current responsibilities to ensure that other work won’t be compromised.
    • Discuss the skills needed for the task.
    • Tell your team member why you selected them for this work. Acknowledging assets is supportive and boosts engagement.
  • Describe the work and the overall outcomes.
    • Leave room for individuality, allowing for creativity.
    • Be clear about time frames and expectations.
    • Inquire if your employee has questions or insights about the work and working together.
    • Provide written guidance for clarity.
    • Ensure you are accessible for questions and feedback.

Provide Consistent Follow-Up When Delegating Effectively

Plan opportunities for spontaneous and regular meetings to check in about work progress.

  • Doing so offers you both reassurance about the effectiveness of your mutual work.
  • Request feedback about your role and delegation abilities.
    • Discuss what is going well.
    • Make note of steps to take in the future to improve the process.
    • Celebrate what has gone well.

Delegating work effectively can lead to employees staying at your organization and feeling fulfilled with their work.

However, sometimes you’ll still have vacancies and will need to find talent fast, so your current employees don’t feel overwhelmed. With more than 20 years of experience, Addison Group can find you qualified talent quickly so you can get work done without skipping a beat. Reach out to us today!