Addison Group's candidate page, one person is interviewing in front of two other workers.

Addison Group helps you find work that’s a perfect fit

We understand the importance of finding an employer that matches your goals.

So don’t just settle for what’s there. Let us find you the job that fits your goals.

For job seekers

Connecting talent with opportunities for 20+ years

13.5K+ Candidates
placed in 2023

28 Locations
in the US

Addison Group candidate page image featuring a woman on her computer

3.5K+ Companies served in 2023

Addison Group candidate page featuring 4 coworkers talking.

3.4K+ Candidates on assignment in 2023

  • Contract
  • Contract-to-hire
  • Permanent placements
  • Executive search

There’s no substitute for experience

Put Addison Group’s decades of experience to work for you when looking for your next career opportunity. Addison Group specializes in matching great talent with great opportunities in several practice areas.

  • Our staffing capabilities range from payroll specialists to CFOs and everything in between for your next finance and accounting opportunity. Here are just a few of the roles we hire for:

    • Controller
    • Corporate Tax Manager
    • Staff Accountant

“Through Addison I connect with people and assist them in their career journey. We’re investing in them as much as they are in us. I come to work every day knowing I am going to be able to make someone else’s day by finding them a job. And that’s something to be proud of.”

Addison Group website tile featuring a woman standing with her arms crossed

Looking to grow your team or find your next opportunity?
Let’s talk.