5 great networking tips for job seekers

Networking is necessary for your career. It’s a great way to connect with people and learn from your industry peers. You may even learn about jobs before they’re posted. Unfortunately, many job seekers don’t leverage the proper tools to network effectively, while others don’t even bother to network at all. Here are five great networking tips to help get you started successfully networking with professionals in your field.
1. Focus on what you offer
A huge mistake many job seekers make is focusing on what the other person can do for them – and you shouldn’t go into this when networking. Instead, focus on what you have to offer and how you can be an asset in the relationship.
2. Pursue numerous networking opportunities
You don’t have to wait for an organized networking event to meet people in your industry. You should create your own opportunities for making new connections. For example, you can set up an informational interview with a professional in the industry you want to work in. Informational interviews are common and are great for learning more about a given field. Stay focused on gathering information and don’t turn it into a job seeking interview.
3. Use social media
Face-to-face networking events are great, but don’t underestimate the power of social media. Connecting through LinkedIn expands your network far beyond people you meet at local events. Participate in LinkedIn groups and engage with people’s posts. When sending connection requests, always include a note explaining why you’d like to connect.
4. Stay positive
Our most important networking tip is to stay positive. Keep your engagements positive and relevant. Remember: other people can see your posts and comments. Networking can feel futile at times but is worth the commitment. Your positive attitude will ensure others find you approachable and want to form a professional connection with you.
If you’re looking for a job, Addison Group is here to help. With more than 20 years of experience, we understand what it takes to find a new role. We also know that finding a company that matches your goals and appreciates everything you bring to the table makes all the difference. So don’t settle for what’s there, let us find you the job that fits. Visit our jobs page or reach out to us today.