How to support remote work productivity for employees

Addison Group
Addison Group supporting remote employee productivity

Remote work revolutionized the way business’ function. As remote work remains prevalent, it’s important to have a structured process in place to measure and improve employee productivity when working remotely.

Talent solutions agencies like Addison Group can support organizations so they can tackle challenges associated with remote work productivity.

The basics of remote work productivity

What is remote work productivity?

Remote work productivity is when remote employees complete their tasks and contribute to organizational goals effectively and efficiently.

Misunderstandings about remote work and productivity

People have a lot of false ideas about remote workers. The largest misconception is that remote workers are less productive since they’re not in the office.

This remains far from the truth as long as remote employees are given the right strategies and tools to do their jobs effectively. In some cases, remote employees are more productive than in-office employees.

The pros and cons of remote work

Remote workers tend to be more satisfied in their jobs due to the increased flexibility and a strong work-life balance.

Although remote work provides many benefits, it also poses some challenges. Remote workers deal with distractions and the struggle to maintain good communication.

It’s important to have a solution ready before these problems arise. It will help you overcome these challenges and boost remote work productivity.

How to measure remote work productivity

Task completion rates during work hours

It’s important to focus on the productivity an employee completes during the work week instead of the number of hours they work. Note if tasks are completed on time and projects are done correctly.

These metrics show that employees can effectively manage their responsibilities and meet deadlines.

Employee engagement

Remote employees being satisfied with their job is important to maintaining their productivity. Regularly asking for remote employees’ feedback can help you develop tailored solutions to keep them engaged and improve their job satisfaction.

Ways to improve remote worker productivity

Establish clear goals and expectations

Setting clear goals and expectations lets employees understand what they’re expected to do and gives them direction. Setting these expectations leads to companies meeting their organizational goals and ensuring employees’ personal outcomes are aligned with your organization’s objectives.

Additionally, it helps employers identify areas of improvement for their employees.

Regularly communicate and collaborate

When managing a remote workforce, it’s necessary to schedule regular check-ins and team meetings to ensure everyone is aligned on projects. Collaboration tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams enable easy interaction with remote teams through direct messaging, file sharing, and integrated workflows that enhance team cohesion and productivity.

Invest in the right tools and software

You need to provide employees with the right physical and virtual tools to do the job effectively.

Look out for remote employee’s physical well-being by ensuring they have ergonomic furniture and accessories for their home office.

Additionally, employees should have a good internet connection and project tracking tools to have a consistent workflow and stay aligned with your organization’s objectives.

Cultivate a positive remote work environment

Fostering a positive remote work environment is necessary to having happy employees at your organization. You must cultivate a work environment that promotes work-life balance and take the time to celebrate your employee’s wins. All of this will lead to satisfied employees and increasing team performance.

Provide learning and development opportunities

Providing employees with learning and development opportunities allows them to grow their skill sets and stay updated on industry changes. Offering these types of growth opportunities lead employees to perform tasks better and promotes an innovative organizational culture, leading to long-term success for your organization.

Handling remote work productivity challenges

Dealing with distractions

With remote work comes more distractions your employees may face. Encourage them to implement strategies like setting up a dedicated workspace, establishing clear boundaries, and using a productivity tool to help them stay focused.

Managing these challenges can lead employees to boost their performance.

Acknowledge feelings of isolation

More alone time can lead employees to experience feelings of isolation. To mitigate or prevent these feelings from happening with your employees, you should schedule regular check-ins and team building activities for employees to feel connected.

Building team cohesion

Fostering cohesion among your team is done through consistent team meetings and collaborative projects. Regular interaction allows employees to give updates, deal with challenges, and celebrate each other’s wins.

Offering mental health support

Stress and burnout can lead to your employees to experience a productivity decline. To prevent this from happening, you should build an environment that supports employee’s mental health by implementing wellness programs and offering mental health days. These initiatives can lead to a healthier and more productive environment for your employees.

Need help finding remote employees? A talent solutions firm can help:

  1. Connect you to the right remote talent: Talent solutions firms identify and recruit candidates with the experience to excel in a remote work environment.
  2. Offer support to your organization: Talent solutions firms can ensure a smooth transition for new employees by supporting your onboarding process to ensure they hit the ground running. Additionally, they can support your organization by addressing challenges to ensure productivity.

For more than 20 years, Addison Group has connected top candidates with innovative companies. Let’s talk about how we can find your next remote employee for your team.