Bringing Interim Professionals into the Fold

Addison Group

As the workplace evolves, attitudes towards interim professionals is also changing. These are the people who are brought on for a limited period of time. Perhaps they are a seasonal worker, helping with a workload spike, or covering for a full-time employee’s extended leave of absence.

In years past, temporary employees have been only seen as a solution to a temporary problem. But, now business owners are realizing how they can benefit permanently from bringing interim professionals into the company fold. Here’s how to do it:

Make Interim Professionals Part of the Staffing Plan

In order to truly bring interim professionals into the fold, you should make them part of your staffing plan. Hiring interim employees shouldn’t be something you do on a whim, but instead something you evaluate and decide well before the hiring phase. Rather than hire full-time employees, some positions simply are better suited for temporary placement.

Rapid Changes and Hiring Strategies

From every-changing technologies to increased regulations, the pace of business can be is so rapid, it just makes sense for many employers to have a flexible staffing plan. In order to access specialized expertise and support key initiatives, businesses are now supplementing their workforce with consultants and temporary professionals, as needed.

Additionally, it can be challenging to find highly skilled candidates in today’s low unemployment market. According to recent BLS research, job openings outnumbered applicants by nearly half a million. Nowadays, it is common for employers to take up-to four weeks or more to fill an open accounting and finance position. Which can be stressful when trying to keep daily productivity on track until the position is filled.

Lastly, employers want the ability to add employees while avoiding over-hiring. A flexible staffing strategy allows employers to ramp up personnel for key projects and workload spikes, and eventually commit to full-time hiring when necessary.

Make Professionals Feel Part of the Team

It’s important to bring on interim professionals in a way that is truly collaborative with the rest of the team. Each member will likely work with this interim professional at some point during their stay, so make sure introductions have been made. This means introducing them to staff, giving them tours of the office, and give them a thorough onboarding process. Make them feel like they are truly connected. Take time to review the company’s vision and answer any questions that they may have.

Sometimes, businesses make the mistake of viewing interim employees as disposable. These people bring a skill set that you need. Remember, these individuals are part of your company culture the moment that they walk in the door—treated them as such. 

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