Summer Hiring Trends for Job Seekers

The end of the summer is a slow time for many organizations. It is a popular vacation month, and one in which hiring tends to slow significantly. That being said, the end of summer lull can be beneficial to job seekers of all backgrounds, and eventually gives way to September, one of the busiest hiring months of the year. The opportunity to take advantage of the slow month of August is two-fold:
Hiring Managers Have More Time to Consider Non-Traditional Resumes
The plus side to slower hiring patterns during the summer months is that hiring managers aren’t swamped. While busier months often lead to systematized resume filtering, a hiring manager with time on their hands is more likely to consider a resume that is outside of the realm of what they’d normally look for. The third quarter is a great time for candidates with non-traditional backgrounds (such as mothers who have spent time away from the professional world to raise children or young professionals who took time after college to travel) to apply for positions.
Job Seekers Have More Time to Do Their Homework
For those individuals with more traditional backgrounds who are simply looking for a new position, August is a great time to study up! In addition to researching potential employers on your own, lighter schedules will make key contacts more accessible. Getting face time with professionals who can assist in the job search will help candidates when it comes time to start applying (either at the end of the third quarter or in the beginning of the fourth).
What else can candidates do to prepare for the busy hiring season?
Take Courses
The end of the summer is the perfect time to brush up on old skills and pick up new ones. It can be tempting to kick your feet up and enjoy the warm weather, but candidates will want to have courses completed by the time they are submitting applications in the fall. Candidates will not only want to be able to list certifications on resumes, but also want more time to dedicate to working on applications and interviewing.
Clean up Resume/Work on Interview Skills
The slower months also provide a good opportunity to work on your resume and interview skills. Staffing firms are great resources to consult, as recruiters will be able to give you expert advice on everything from resume content to formatting. They can also provide helpful tips on interviewing and even conduct a mock interview to prepare you for the real deal.
Whether you plan to submit your resume this month or want to prepare for the busy hiring season in September/October, the important thing to keep in mind is being proactive! This is a slow time of year for professionals, but those job seekers who take advantage of the downtime will have a leg up on the competition.