Resume on Top: Tips to Get Your Resume Noticed By Employers

A resume is like a ticket. It is your pass to get you into the door for an interview and potentially land the job. However, sometimes resumes have avoidable mistakes in them that can lead to you not even making it to the interview. For more on how to make sure your resume is up to par for what employers are looking for, read our tips below.
1. Have simple outline
When writing a resume, the way you format your information is just as important as the information itself. This is important because you don’t want your resume to look cluttered or hard to read. A clean layout will have hiring managers reading your resume quickly and getting you into an interview more quickly.
2. Include a variety of words
Keep your resume interesting by having a good variation of words throughout when describing your work experience. This means never using the same verb twice in your resume. Having a good variety of keywords prevents your resume from being boring to read leading to hiring managers knowing you have a lot of experience.

3. Be picky about what you include
It’s pretty clear that the jobs and internships you had in college are very important. According to Debbie Bowles, Assistant Director at the University of Oklahoma, “keep your resume, LinkedIn profile and Handshake profile updated with consistent information.” Yes, this does mean the job you only had for a few months can be omitted from your resume since it didn’t provide any advancement in your career.
4. Use keywords from the job posting
Keywords that are included in a job posting are more important than you think. According to Samantha Potempa, Director of Employer Relations and Career Connections at University of Illinois, says “Customize your resume and cover letter to each position you apply for. This makes it easier for the reviewer to see why they should interview you!” So don’t forget to read the job posting and edit your resume a little bit.
5. Shorter the Better
A resume doesn’t need to be the length of an essay. The more concise you can make a resume, the more likely hiring managers will read it. So go back and reevaluate what is truly important in your resume.
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