Getting a Job – Dress for Success

So you’ve gone through the steps of searching for open positions, applying to dozens a day, waiting for feedback, securing the interview, and doing research on the company. Next – the face to face meeting!
Dressing for an interview is an important piece. What you wear will say a lot about you and your professionalism right when you walk in the door. Don’t forget to do your research on the company to make sure you are dressed in line with their corporate culture. Even if it happens to be “casual Friday”, you want to look your best!
The most important part of dressing for an interview is being yourself, and being comfortable in your clothes. You do not want to wear a dress that’s too tight, a pair of pants too short or a jacket too big for you. If you are most comfortable in dress slacks with a button down shirt, by all means – wear that! Let your personality shine through with an interesting piece of jewelry or a handbag in a bright color. As much as it’s important to be yourself, it’s also important to remember that you want your interviewer to remember you – not your overwhelming perfume or your hot pink highlights.
In case you were wondering what to wear:
- A conservative suit in a darker color with a long-sleeved white shirt. The tie should be conservative yet stylish.
- Dark socks (over-the-calf) with freshly shined shoes.
- Jewelry should be limited to a wristwatch and a wedding ring.
- Fingernails should be clean and well-manicured.
- Facial hair should be clean-shaven or neatly trimmed.
- A business suit in a neutral color always looks professional. Natural fibers work best.
- Dress in today’s styles, but keep the hemline close to the knee and keep blouses modest.
- A conservative or executive dress
- Shoe heel height should be moderate and comfortable.
- Jewelry should be minimal and in good taste.
- Nails should be clean and well manicured. Avoid bright colors and glittered accents for interviewing.
- Hairstyle will vary with each individual, but a fuss-free style will work best.
- Make-up should be in taste and conservative.